Response 642870191

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Your details

1. What is your name?

Name (Required)
Philipp Governale

3. Are you submitting as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked I am submitting as an individual.
Radio button: Unticked I am submitting on behalf of an organisation.

Share 'one big thing' or upload a file

9. Upload a file

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked This file is a submission.
Checkbox: Unticked This file is supporting evidence.

Publishing and data protection

76. Publishing permission

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes – you may publish any part of my submission
Radio button: Unticked Yes, but remove my name / my organisation
Radio button: Unticked Yes, but remove other parts of my submission [please provide details below]
Radio button: Unticked No – you may not release my submission, unless required to by law